Here is another pair of pages, on the subject of the sea and ships. I am a seasider, or to be more accurate, a sangrownun. Seasider refers to anyone from the Fylde coast, sangrownun is more specifically someone from St. Annes - literally some one ('un) grown on the sand. St. Annes is probably one of the sandiest places outside of an actual desert! Anyway, although there's not a lot of sea there, I spent lots of time in my teens (long ago) in Blackpool where there's loads! At the same time, my dear dear Dad, who is a very gifted artist and sea-lover and ex Royal Navy (WW2) was filling my life and home with pictures and tales of tall ships, my English teacher was filling my head with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and John Masefield and Fleetwood Mac had a hit called Albatross. All the above references can by found in these pages I think. I'm a bit more pleased with the colours here than I tend to be with most of my work. Hope you like them.
1 hour ago
Great journalling Chris!! And isn't it addictive?? LOL
lovely colours Chris!
As a kid we thought St Anne's was posh - highlight of our year was trip to the illuminations at Blackpool, tho I loved Morecambe's illuminations best
Fab pages Chris. Love the theme and the memories x
Only one word for it "Fantastic". Love everything abaout it.
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